sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2013


Reason 2. Brain plasticity. After examining 105 people of which 80 were bilingual, scientists from University College London (United Kingdom) found that knowing a second language positively modifies the structure of the brain, specifically the area that processes information. In particular, improves call brain plasticity enhancing learning and memory.

Why not to learn a second language?

viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2013

http://www.gotobeijing.net/admin/my_editor/attached/image/20121127/20121127163829_60397.jpgAs I indicated yesterday, there are many reasons why you should learn English. 
 Reason 1: If for any reason in life you win a ticket to China with all expenses paid, instead of celebrating, perhaps you'd be nervous and would give your lucky to another person. Obviously you do not speak Mandarine, but if you speak English, you might communicate in English with others who also speak English. Would you feel comfortable being able to visit many places, ask the questions you want, understand everything you say, fully enjoy the experience of visiting a different place...? I think so. Motivate, learn English, never too late when you have interest.
Never stop dreaming. The sky is the limit!

Later I'll give more REASONS why you should learn English.

jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2013

The teaching of English as a second language is really important. Knowing a second language gives chances at a world full of goals and challenges. A second language has many advantages, imagine more than two languages. Wow, Would not be awesome? Later, I will give you important reasons for you to understand that English is important.
I am proud of being an English teacher. I have been teaching since 1996. Sixteen years have passed already. I give thanks God day by day for the profession I have selected. Children are my passion. I really enjoy the moments I spend with them. They inspire me to do things really specials.

jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2012



I really love where I live, but if someday I have the chance to visit the world, I would go to Canada. I really love it! It is an inspirational place. I will go to Niagara Waterfalls and many other places for culturally grow.